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The CHIRP Blog

Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writesIn Rotation: The Variable Why

Lean back and close your eyes. But don't fall asleep, because you're going to miss something quite extraordinary. Nick Sherman, the Chicago artist who operates under the moniker The Variable Why, weaves together sounds that some might file under Ambient but would not entirely or properly describe what he's doing. Like his contemporaries Juliana Barwick and Ken Camden, there's not really a name to summarize the effect of music that's felt just as much as listened to. Hypnotic? Transcendental? An oasis of grace and beauty in a world saturated by harsh reality? The truth is somewhere in there.

Sherman's new record Looking at the Triangles is now in rotation and available by request on CHIRP Radio.

Share April 22, 2015 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: In Rotation

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