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The CHIRP Blog

Rory Billmeyer writesCHIRP Radio’s Best of 2022: Rory Billmeyer

CHIRP Radio Best of 2022

Throughout December, CHIRP Radio presents its volunteers’ top albums of 2022. Our next list is from volunteer Rory Billmeyer.





Romcom by Jakey (Self-Released)

BUY: Reckless / Amazon

Jakey RomcomAn awesome album thats been the creators personal project since 2016 the sampling is a bug attraction to me









The Family/TM by BROCKHAMPTON (Question Everything Inc)

BUY: Reckless / Amazon

BROCKHAMPTON The Family/TMThe final goodbyes from one of the most influential recent hip hop groups









Flood Format by Mid Air Thief (Bird Eye's Batang)

BUY: Reckless / Amazon

Mid Air Thief Flood FormatAnother amazing album that teleports you into the mind of Mr.Theif and into his universe he's created









Skinty Fia by Fontaines D.C. (Rough Trade)

BUY: Reckless / Amazon

Fontaines D.C. Skinty FiaThe Irish band never ceases to amaze

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Categorized: Best Albums of the Year

Next entry: CHIRP Radio’s Best of 2022: Alex Leong

Previous entry: CHIRP Radio’s Best of 2022: Shelby Hagstom